Tout ce que vous devez savoir pour organiser un mariage éco-responsable - wedding planner lyon - les moments m

How to organise an eco-responsible wedding ?

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If the environmental cause is close to your heart, then you should opt for an eco-responsible wedding! Indeed, all the plastic, garbage or car travel associated with a wedding can go against your values.
So, to minimize the impact of your big day, here are a few eco-responsible ideas.

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For an eco-responsible wedding, choose the right caterer.

The caterer, that so important position at a wedding! However, it is particularly polluting. Indeed, there is a lot of waste and wastage is often the order of the day. This is why you can choose to reduce the environmental impact of your wedding thanks to the choice of your service providers. You wonder how your caterer can be eco-responsible? Here are the answers:

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Local sourcing

Indeed, to emphasize eco-responsibility, find out about caterers who source from local producers. On the one hand, you will help support businesses in your region. On the other hand, you will also avoid excessive emissions due to the transportation of food from other regions or countries..

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Meat free

It’s a controversial choice but the environmental impact of meat and dairy products is huge! Why not choose a vegetarian cuisine for your wedding meal? Indeed, many dishes are easy to eat without meat and just as delicious. However, this may not appeal to everyone because some people can’t do without meat. But it doesn’t matter, it’s your wedding and therefore your choices and your convictions!

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Biodegradable dishes

In addition, there are today a multitude of biodegradable disposable tableware. In this case, favour bamboo tableware, compostable plates or biodegradable wooden cutlery. Also, instead of plastic straws, think about ecological straws. Like bamboo or wheat straws. There are also reusable silicone or metal straws.

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An eco-responsible and flowery wedding!

While some couples choose to do without flowers for cost reasons, most brides and grooms want to decorate their big day with beautiful flowers. However, with a high price and a sometimes large carbon footprint, flowers are not always very ecological. This is why it is important to choose your flowers for your eco-responsible wedding.

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Choose seasonal flowers

First of all, it is essential to choose seasonal flowers! Flowers are completely different from one season to another, but always beautiful. If you choose flowers out of season, you may have to bring them in from abroad. This will greatly increase your carbon footprint, not to mention your budget. That’s why, if you want fresh flowers, ask your local florist for advice.

And eco-responsible companies

Also, consider working with a variety of eco-friendly companies. Indeed, there are various innovative and ecological businesses that transform and reuse your wedding bouquets. They can brighten up hospitals or retirement homes once the event is over. Finally, they even compost them afterwards to avoid waste going to the landfill. Also, dried flowers can be a good option because they are durable. In addition, you can keep your bouquet or centerpieces as decoration at home.

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An eco-responsible wedding stationnery

To reduce your environmental impact for your wedding, bet on a 100% eco-responsible stationery. Rather than sending invitations by mail, which is not only expensive but also very bad for the environment, opt for electronic invitations. Indeed, these last ones allow you to save time, money and protect the planet. Or you can opt to create a website or Facebook page. This way, you can present your wedding, put all the important information and publish the photos so your guests can retrieve them. No paper used, no money spent and no invitations lost in the mail !

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Printed invitations can also be responsible

However, if you opt for paper wedding invitations, print them on plantable seed paper. This paper is made with seeds inside, so that a new plant can grow when it is finally removed. Also, you can also work with more environmentally friendly paper mills that offer recycled paper.

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Gifts for your guests

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If your wedding is indeed based on being eco-responsible, encourage your guests to do the same. Your guest gifts can be environmentally friendly too. These days, there are a wide variety of gifts that are amazing while taking care of our planet. Choose from handmade or edible products, the options are endless. Check out some ideas for homemade gifts for your guests in another article.

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The outfits

Nowadays, many designers make sustainable development a top priority in their creations. Indeed, one of the easiest ways to go green with your dress is to buy a second hand wedding dress. Get the dress of your dreams at a more affordable price and reduce wedding waste! Also, you can rent your dress as well as your witnesses’ outfits. If you want to keep your dress, favor your purchases from retailers who have sustainable business practices and production. Like the Reform, which minimizes waste and uses green technologies. Once again, favour local designers, such as designer Louise Valentine, who offers eco-responsible wedding dresses. By buying your outfit in France, you will avoid international shipping costs and waste

Eco-responsible jewelry

Think about your jewelry too! Indeed, you will find many companies that make jewelry more environmentally friendly. Whether it’s recycled gold jewelry or handmade in small workshops, you can play the eco-responsible card all the way to the end!

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It may seem difficult at first glance, but there are many ways to plan an eco-friendly wedding. With a little more thought and attention to detail, your wedding can leave a lasting impression on guests without leaving a significant footprint on the environment.

What is certain is that the planet will thank you and you will still have the most beautiful day of your life!


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