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Secular ceremony

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 You have decided to choose a secular ceremony in order to add a personal character to this beautiful day ? However, you have many questions regarding the organisation because you don’t really know what to do for this kind of ceremony ? I will give you my expertise to make a ceremony that sticks to your values, your personnality and the style of your wedding.

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Services offered :

  • First meeting without commitment
  • Set design : choice of the theme, colors and decorations
  • Get in contact with your friends and family to guide them writing the ceremony or with a professional officiant
  • Advice to select the musics
  • Coordination of all providers : DJ, caterer, photographer …
  • Establishment of the ceremony program
  • Advice and support all along the preparations
  • On the day coordination : ensure the smooth running of the day and handle the unexpected, welcoming guests…

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The secular ceremony allows you to show your love and your commitment by telling your story to your guests. Accompanied by speeches, musics and rituals, the secular ceremony is often loaded with emotions ! Let your creativity be your guide to reflect your story, translate your love and offer you a unique ceremony unlike any other.

The secular ceremony can be lead either by people from your family or by a professionnal officiant, it only depends on you and what suits you best !

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I remain at your disposal to create one of the most beautiful day of your life !

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